Who will get freelancer ID card?


Freelancer ID Card

We are about six and a half million freelancers!

The government is giving ID card to everyone, but the fee in the virgin card is also 15 hundred taka.

Seven ninety crore fifty lakh taka!
About one hundred crore taka (donation? )
In which sector will this money be spent?
Every year but don't forget to renew
Terms and conditions for taking ID card:
1: Have to be a citizen of Bangladesh.
2: The income of the last twelve months should be at least one thousand dollars.
3: Link to which marketplace you work in
4: If there is a contract with Direct Bayer outside the market place, you have to give proof of it + also proof of how the transaction happened.
5: There should be a digital product which is not prohibited by the law of the country, a service or service
Whatever it takes:
Phone number
Voter ID number
Fresh pic
15 show taka only!


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